Audrey Donnell Coaching & Consulting

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A 25-year vision

As the new year approaches, many are reaching for their pens and journals to start working on their resolutions and goals for the year. Maybe you are one of them.

There is a particular energy that accompanies closing out one year and starting a fresh year.

And if we’re honest, it’s all arbitrary. The calendar is simply a way of marking time, and doesn’t hold any special power in itself.

I’m all for reflection, as well as creating your future, but what is the future you are creating?

When you only look a year ahead, you’re missing out on a much bigger vision for your life.

Bill Gates said, “Most people overestimate what they can achieve in a year and underestimate what they can achieve in ten years.”

My invitation to you is to lift your gaze to a new horizon. Rather than goals for 2024, why not consider what David Brooks calls “eulogy goals?”

This can be done by creating a 25-year vision.

A 25-year vision will take most of you reading this well into retirement. Pretty close to a eulogy goal.

A 25-year vision allows you to be audacious, bold, and daring.

You don’t have to worry about playing it safe, because you have 25 years, after all, to bring your vision into reality.

You can include your moonshot here, and no one will judge you for it.

Your 25-year vision should be exciting and compelling. It will give you a reason to wake up and get out of bed every day.

It’s something that creates a pull on your life, a motivating force that burns deep within.

Are you starting to get the idea?

Once you write out your 25-year vision, it serves a few purposes.

  1. It gives you something to which you can anchor you shorter term goals. A 90-day increment is 1% of 25 years.

  2. Because it is so expansive, it carries you on the days when you’re feeling a bit down or stuck. It lifts you up and compels you to keep going.

  3. You likely can’t accomplish your 25-year vision without others. It reveals to you your need to collaborate, and requires that you identify key people that can support you along the way.

  4. You can more readily identify obstacles and challenges that need to be overcome and strengths to build upon.

Photo by Paul Pastourmatzis on Unsplash

My 25-year vision is to transform 1 million lives to stand in their power and make the contribution they are here on earth to make.

What is your vision for the next 25 years?

