Audrey Donnell Coaching & Consulting

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Do you ever rest?

If you’re like most Americans, you don’t get sufficient sleep.

But sleep aside, do you ever rest?

What is rest, anyway?

Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines rest:

1 : a bodily state characterized by minimal functional and metabolic activities

2 a : freedom from activity or labor

b : a state of motionlessness or inactivity

3 : peace of mind or spirit

4 a(1) : a rhythmic silence in music

(2) : a character representing such a silence

b : a brief pause in reading

Of these, I’m most interested in the combination of 2a, freedom from activity or labor, and 3, peace of mind and spirit.

When you cease your activity or labor, what is your state of mind?

What if your ability to experience true rest depends on the beliefs you have about yourself, your labor, and your ceasing from labor, or rest?

Do a check-in, see if any of these beliefs below lineup with your own, or if your beliefs are different.

Beliefs about yourself

  • I am enough. My worth is in who I am, not what I do.

Beliefs about labor

  • Nothing I produce can increase or decrease my worth as a human being.

Beliefs about rest (ceasing from labor)

  • When I rest, I trust I am enough.

  • My rest fuels my labor, and my contribution is better because of it.

How do your beliefs line up?

Do you have a regular practice of resting during the week?

I’d love to know.

