Audrey Donnell Coaching & Consulting

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How are your human skills?

According to Gartner, over 30% of the skills needed three years ago will soon be irrelevant.

Kip Kelly writes, “Technology is outpacing efforts to address the global skills gap. The World Economic Forum estimates that new technologies will have replaced 85 million jobs between 2020 and 2025, while simultaneously creating 97 million new ones. By 2028, 44 percent of worker skills will be disrupted. Research suggests the half-life of professional skills has dropped from 10 years to five, and the half-life for many technical skills is now below 2.5 years. Over a billion people will need to be reskilled by 2030, prompting the World Economic Forum to declare a “reskilling emergency.”

Perhaps you have experienced this first-hand as skills that were once relevant to your job are no longer needed.

Undoubtedly, we will all need to continue to update our technical skills to keep pace with advancements in the field.

But you know which skills will never be irrelevant?

Human skills.

Photo by NEOM on Unsplash

Skills like leadership, communication, influence, empathy, perspective-taking, building trust, and emotional regulation.

Harvard Psychologist, Susan David, Ph.D., says that human skills are the cornerstone of resilient, thriving, successful organizations.

Just being human doesn’t guarantee that you have developed your human skills, unfortunately.

Human skills can actually be some of the most challenging to learn and embody. And perhaps it is precisely because they must be embodied that they are not “easy” skills.

How are you expanding your capacity to bring human skills to your workplace?

If you would like to develop your human skills, we should have a conversation.

I’ve helped countless clients expand their capacity to bring human skills to the workplace.

And bonus: it not only makes for a better professional life, but a better personal life as well.

