Audrey Donnell Coaching & Consulting

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Love and fear

I started out 2023 with an intention to do everything from a place of love and not fear. Work, life, relationships. All out of love.

Turns out, it’s a lot harder to do than you might think.

My intention has definitely been challenged. 

I think love and fear are appropriate umbrellas for a number of things.

Fear can look like control, anxiety, worry, scarcity thinking, and contraction or shrinking. 

Love can look like peace, freedom, trust, creation, possibility thinking, abundance, and expansion.

I don’t believe that coming from fear will help me create the life I want. Philosophically, I reject it.

But somatically, fear still creeps in. My body feels fear before my mind can process it.

I’m really honing my awareness of when this happens, and I know I have a choice to make.

I can allow fear to influence me, or I can acknowledge the fear and thank it for trying to keep me safe, and choose love (or freedom, or trust, or anything under the love umbrella).

Photo by Mayur Gala

What I create out of love will necessarily be different (and better) than what I create out of fear. 

Where are you coming from in business and in life?

And where do you need to come from love?

