Audrey Donnell Coaching & Consulting

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Spiky points of view

Every leader has an opportunity to own their point of view as a differentiating factor.

You have enough life experience in your career that your perspective is highly valuable. 

Your unique way of seeing the world is precisely what causes you to stand out as a leader. 

Are you ready to stand out? 

One way to build this muscle is to develop a spiky point of view. A spiky POV is the way you see the world that differs from conventional wisdom.

Wes Kao is a successful entrepreneur and thought leader who proposes we get a little controversial in our thinking:

“Unless you distinguish yourself, you’ll never get a chance to show how different you actually are. To stand out, you need to develop… a “spiky” point of view.

A spiky point of view is a perspective others can disagree with. It’s a belief you feel strongly about and are willing to advocate for… It’s what separates you from everyone else.”

Wes says:

“Your spiky point of view… shows you’re thinking rigorously and interpreting what’s going on around you.

A spiky point of view is almost impossible to imitate. It’s unique to each person, which is why it’s such a powerful competitive advantage. It’s rooted in your conviction and authenticity.

The best part?

You already have it in you.”

Photo by Annie Spratt

She draws out 5 elements behind a spiky point of view:

  1. A spiky point of view can be debated. If everyone agrees with you, it’s too middle of the road.

  2. A spiky point of view has substance. It isn’t controversial for the sake of it.

  3. A spiky point of view teaches people something relevant they don’t already know. It’s not a summary of information. 

  4. Don’t wait for 100% consensus before you say your spiky point of view out loud. That day will never come.

  5. You have to be brave enough to convince people of this spiky point of view because you genuinely believe they’ll be better for it.

To get started forming your own spiky POV’s, try this sentence stem: “Most people think….  but the truth is ….”

I have a few spiky POVs of my own:

  1. Most people think you need a roadmap for your career, but the truth is your inner compass is the most reliable guide you have.

  2. Most people think you have to do certain things in life to have certain things to be the kind of person you want to be, but the truth is it all starts with who you are being, and what you do and have flows from that.

  3. Most people think failure means you aren’t succeeding, but the truth is failure brings you that much closer to the success you want.

  4. Most people think goals should be measurable, but the truth is that in choosing goals that are impossible, you not only transcend measurement, but you achieve what once seemed impossible.

  5. Most people think you need to separate work and life, but the truth is you are a whole person no matter where you are.

  6. Most people think you should live up to your potential, but the truth is potential has a ceiling, and standing in possibility is a more expansive, powerful heuristic for life.

  7. Most people think language flows from thought, but the truth is language can shape your outlook.

  8. Most people think leadership is something you do, but the truth is leadership is who you are being.

  9. Most people think life happens to them, but the truth is life can be created.

  10. Most people think fear is a reason to not pursue something, but the truth is fear is a mask for desire, and means you’re headed in the right direction..

  11. Most people think conventional success will bring them happiness, but the truth is happiness comes from the inside out.

  12. Most people think you need to have things figured out before you start, but the truth is you can start when you’re 70% ready and learn what you need to along the way.

  13. Most people think you have to have a passion, but the truth is if you follow your curiosity, passion will eventually come.

  14. Most people think their skillset and experience are the sole driver of outcomes, however the truth is your mindset plays an equal, if not greater role in shaping outcomes. 

  15. Most people think they can’t dream big, but the truth is they would rather fight for their limitations than fight for their dreams.

  16. Most people think goals are a place to get to, but the truth is goals are a place to come from.

  17. Most people spend their time trying to improve their productivity, but it’s focusing on your creativity that will give you exponential results.

  18. Most leaders think they have to have all the answers, but the truth is the best leaders ask the best questions.

  19. Most people think their past experience will lead them to their next career move, but the truth is the things that energize them and their beliefs and convictions are much stronger indicators of what the next right move is.

  20. Most people think they have to soldier through life when it feels hard, but the truth is that is an indication you need to slow down, rest, and have self-compassion.

Write out 10 of your own spiky POVs and send them to me. I’d love to read them.

