Audrey Donnell Coaching & Consulting

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Stop looking out there

There are moments that require you to look outside yourself.

Sometimes you need inspiration, a new idea, or outside information.

And then there are moments that begin and end with you.

One of these moments is goal setting.

Most people set goals as if they are a destination to get to. 

It’s actually a form of self-deception, though.

Whenever a goal is “out there” and you’re over here, there’s a comfortable enough distance for you to trick yourself into keeping it just out of reach.

“But that would be self-sabotage,” you say.


It’s a way you are avoiding actually making a change.

It’s a way to be constantly drifting, never with your feet on the ground taking definitive action.

It’s a way to keep yourself from being accountable.

And the secret that lies under that? 

It’s a way of staying safe.

Whenever I speak with someone who hasn’t broken down their action plan into tiny steps that they could start today, I know they are still thinking in terms of “out there.”

“I’ll sign up for that class,” they say.

“I’ll look for a mentor.” 

“I’ll see what opportunities pop up in the next quarter.”

Nope. None of these are a tiny step that gets them into action today.

A better question to ask yourself if you find yourself postponing action:

“If I’m the kind of person who (fill in the blank with your goal), then what would that person do in this moment?” 

Now you have just identified your next actionable step.

This is an embodied approach to actualizing your goals.

It puts you in the driver’s seat, and makes you responsible for taking the next step. 

And the step after that. 

And the step after that.

It all starts with you.

Photo by Susanne Jutzeler on Pexels

And what’s surprisingly refreshing is the feeling of not drifting anymore.

It’s actually incredibly grounding to be able to put one foot in front of the other.

It’s not as scary as you think.

One step generates action.

Action generates momentum.

Momentum generates progress.

Progress generates achievement.

Achievement generates confidence.

And confidence generates bigger goals.

As you embody your goals, you transform who you’re being.

You become the kind of person who (insert the goal you had).

And it all starts with one tiny step.

