Audrey Donnell Coaching & Consulting

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The gift of inspiration

Inspiration is such an incredible human capacity.

When we see and hear inspiring feats of courage, boldness, generosity, determination, perseverance, musical and athletic ability, we are reminded of the creative power resident in all humans.

Olympic athletes certainly show us this.

And yet when we passively consume stories of inspiration, we miss out on the gift within inspiration.

The actual gift of inspiration unfolds when you apply it to your own life.

James Clear calls this active inspiration.

He says it is through the act of creating things, applying new ideas to our goals, and making mistakes that we discover who we are and what is important to us.

What’s even more, Clear says, is that active inspiration is what results in long-term passion and enthusiasm.

Recall the last time you were inspired.

Was it a brilliant idea, a new strategy, or an incredible musical or athletic feat? What about some adversity you have faced? Is there a way that adversity could inspire your future?

There’s a reason you were inspired.

Photo by Robert Gallagher on Pexels

Witnessing that thing outside of you spoke to something within you that is longing to come forth.

Ask yourself “why does this matter to me?”

The answer to that question will likely illuminate what could become your next step in applying the inspiration.

As Maya Angelou wrote, “Life loves to be taken by the lapel and told: 'I'm with you kid. Let's go.’”

How will you grab life by the lapel and apply inspiration to your next step?

