Audrey Donnell Coaching & Consulting

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What are your terms?

Part of living a created life is knowing what your terms are.

Photo by RODNAE Productions

Let’s start with yourself.

When you envision the person you want to be, what words describe you? Are you peaceful? Happy? Fulfilled? Joyful? Content? 

Once you define your terms for the way you want to be, do a quick comparison with where you are today. What’s missing? What are you keeping out of your life?

Next, take a look at your relationships. 

What terms do you have for the relationships in your life? What kind of boundaries do you have for yourself? Said another way, what are you okay with, and what are you not okay with? 

How do you bring out the best in those around you? Who are you being for the people in your life? 

Do you surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you?

If you don’t know your terms for your relationships, they may not be satisfying for you. How will you create terms that yield satisfying relationships?

Lastly, what are the terms for the contribution you want to make in this life?

How do you want others to experience you? What do you want to be remembered for? 

What is one tiny step you can take this week to move you closer to the terms you have? 

