Audrey Donnell Coaching & Consulting

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What’s your range?

Everyone on the planet has unique gifts that they bring to the world.

At some point in your professional career, you probably have a good sense of what your gifts are.

And if you don’t, ask those around you.

A good question to ask them is, “when I leave the room, what’s missing?”

And every gift has a dark side.

You can probably think of what the dark side to each of your gifts is.

What’s less common is to find someone who has fine-tuned their ability to lean into their gifts to varying degrees.

Rather than having one setting, it’s as if they have a dial.

They even know when to hold back.

That’s range.

Photo by Rajiv Krishnan on Pexels

It’s knowing how to bring what is needed to certain situations.

And having the self-awareness to not let the dark side of your gifts overshadow their power and usefulness.

When you develop range, you can really fly.

You become highly attuned to the situations that need your gifts and to what degree.

Your hone ability to navigate through the world.

And that is power.

Power to influence outcomes.

It’s also freedom.

Freedom to lean in or lean back.

Power. Freedom. They come when you develop range.

What is your range?

