Audrey Donnell Coaching & Consulting

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Your first 100

A mentor of mine once told me that if you want to really hone your thought leadership and create unique IP, you should publish an article a week.

At the beginning of 2022, I made a commitment to write and publish an article every week, and I haven’t stopped since.

Today marks a milestone for me, as this is my 100th article.

The other thing my mentor said is that the first 100 articles aren’t any good, and it’s really only after 100 articles that your writing becomes fine-tuned.

Looking back, I feel really proud of my writing. Maybe I’m a victim of the Ikea effect, but I have also heard from some of you that my writing has provoked new thinking for you, or in some way made your life better. My Aunt Leslie even appreciates the images I select.

I am really grateful to have had an impact in this way.

Photo by Sunil Naik on Unsplash

My convictions have grown as I have grown as a person and as a coach. I’d like to share some of my convictions here, along with some of my favorite articles that relate.

  1. The abilities we have as humans are greater when we honor our humanity and dial up the self-compassion.

    That is, it is absolutely essential that we slow down to connect with ourselves, connect with others, connect with nature, and connect with beauty. When we do this, we are more deeply aware of our internal compass, more grounded in our relationships, and more inspired to stand in possibility.

    You’re still human

    The ladder of success

    Are you a high performer working out of your weakness?

    Push, Pull, or Ignite

    Informed Decision Making

  2. No is a complete sentence.

    Making choices rooted in your values necessarily means you will need to say no. And probably more than you currently do. If saying yes to almost everything got you to your currently level of success, then saying “no” to almost everything will need to become your new strategy to get to your next level of success.

    The freedom in commitment

  3. A single insight can change everything, and, if you don’t recalibrate your nervous system, you may not shift your reality.

    When you change the way you see your world, your entire world changes. The mind is powerful, and the lens through which you see your world can influence your lived reality. And, when you have decades of living out a particular belief, your nervous system is used to accomodating that belief. If you decide that a particular outlook or mindset doesn’t serve you, the nervous system needs space to create new neural pathways that will support the new mindset. This can be done somatically, and is a holistic approach to mindset work.

    The way you see your world

  4. Owning your point of view as a leader is one of the most important ways you will stand out.

    Spikey points of view

    Be Unconventional

  5. Possibility is more inviting and more expansive than potential.

    Don’t live up to your potential

    Are you willing to defy logic?

  6. Life is created.

    Most people live a default life. Only a few people live a created life.

    A Created Life

    The mask you wear

    Risk, Uncertainty, Fear, and Creation

    Your language matters

    Are you coming from a place of choice?

    It only looks like magic

    Where is your attention?

And now, I’d love to hear from you. What would you like to read more of in my next 100 articles? Just reply to this e-mail and let me know.

