Audrey Donnell Coaching & Consulting

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Your insights are priceless

Oftentimes, the work that I do with clients is deep inner work. 

We look at what their strengths are, what is unique about them that shapes their perspective and how they show up in the world.

We look at what they want, what they deeply desire for their life.

We discover distinctions that help them navigate work and life.

We examine the stories they’ve adopted over the years and whether or not those stories serve them in the life they are creating. 

And they get insights about themselves that they can apply moving forward. 

Sometimes, these insights can produce results in a short amount of time.

One client reported less stress, more joy in the fun of her pursuits, letting go of the outcome and embracing the process, moving away from a sense of “should” in her choices, and leaning into more fun at work. 

And this was after only three conversations.

But yet there was a lingering question: “how do I know I’m accomplishing something?” 

This is a GREAT question! 

It takes us even deeper.

My job as a coach is to answer my client’s question with an even more powerful question. So, I asked her several powerful questions:

  • Tell me, what can you accomplish when you move through life with less stress? Name 3-5 things.

  • When fun becomes your focus and filter, what do you say yes to and what do you say no to?

  • When you let go of the outcome and focus on the process, what shifts for you?

  • When you don’t live by the “shoulds” and lean into what is fun and enjoyable, what is freed up for you? How does this make you feel? What will you do more of? What will you do less of? What can you accomplish when you keep doing this over time?

Accomplishment, by definition, is the successful achievement of a task. 

But what if the inner work IS the accomplishment? 

If you experience internal shifts and create a way for yourself to reduce stress, have more fun, let go of the outcome, and move away from the shoulds, what would happen if you made this a way of life? 

What could you accomplish if you approach work and life this way for the rest of your life

How would your results be different?

How would your quality of life change?

How would your business benefit?

How would your relationships improve?

It reminds me of the old Mastercard commercials

“Two tickets - $28

Two hotdogs, two popcorns, two sodas - $18

One autographed baseball - $45

Real conversation with your 11 year old son - priceless.”

It might look like this:

Less effort and greater results - 10X

Improved quality of life - 10X

Financial returns on business - 10X

Strengthened relationships - 10X

The ability to apply your insights to everything you do for the rest of your life - priceless.

