Helping mission-driven leaders and founders increase their impact.

Love your work.

Work from your strengths.

Increase your impact.

Change the world.


“Audrey helps people connect where they are to where they want to be.”

Marisa, Director of Development & Communications

Mission: to see nonprofit organizations that are publicly and privately integrated, where vision, mission, and values are aligned in every aspect of our work

“You helped me see the big picture and taught and empowered me to keep creating my own opportunities.”

Andrew, Independent Consultant

Mission: to promote peace and nonviolence through the use of computational modeling and machine learning


Does this sound like you?

 You are extremely good at what you do.

You value, trust, and empower people.

You love working with others to innovate.

You are on a big mission or are committed to discovering what that is for you.

You are ready to increase your impact.

You are so much closer to achieving what seems impossible than you realize. Here’s how I know:

  • 1. You have a wealth of experience behind you and evidence of doing what once seemed impossible.

  • 2. You are fueled by a conviction that your contribution matters.

  • 3. You are unconventional in the way you work and think. You don’t fit the mold.

  You’re in the right place.

We’ll work together to position you to work out of your strengths and from a place of strength so you can maximize your impact to the mission.

  • Clear vision.

    Know where you’ve been and get clear on what’s ahead. OWN your contributions, KNOW your value, LEAN into your strengths.

  • Grounded confidence.

    Connect with a powerful mission and NOTHING can stop you. Show up fully for your life, your people, and your mission. You are more powerful than you know.

  • Possibility thinking.

    Your assumptions are challenged and your thinking is EXPANDED. Transcend limiting beliefs and LIVE INTO possibility.

  • Energizing work.

    Realign your work and life activities to things that FILL you with energy and move away from things that drain you of energy. Work in flow and create more energy for your life.

  • Powerful presence.

    OWN your power. CONVEY your strengths, qualifications, impact, and vision to your network, your boss, your team, or potential funders or employers.

  • Increased impact.

    Create opportunities for yourself and your team that once seemed IMPOSSIBLE. Contribute to the MISSION and make an impact.


I’m Audrey Donnell, Founder of Audrey Donnell Coaching & Consulting.

I’m on a mission to help leaders and founders just like you work from a place of grounded confidence and joy as you do work that changes the world. I help you see how you stand out so you can step out confidently to contribute to the mission that matters to you.

After over a decade in consulting helping my staff develop their careers and helping the Federal Government make data-driven decisions, I now work with mission-driven leaders and founders to radically create their future, increase their impact, and build a life that sustains them. It’s both affirming and edgy. Together, we test the limits of what seems possible.


“You helped me improve my mindset, which, in turn, positioned me to take advantage of an opportunity that emerged. I now work in an environment that energizes me, increasing my contributions to the team.

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