equipped empowered

Equipped and empowered for the job search.

“You helped me shift the job search from drudgery to something that was truly enjoyable! I felt equipped with the language to convey my skills and value added. I felt like I was interviewing them as much as they were me. That was so empowering!”

Anne, Counselor

Mission: to create a warm, empathic environment for my clients that is safe for being curious and exploring life

I wanted my job search to be a positive, empowering experience, so I hired Audrey. Her prompts and questions helped me to clarify what I really wanted in my next chapter. She also helped me to articulate the impact I'd had in previous positions and translate that into an updated resume and tailored cover letters. I was able to apply strategically to job postings, saving time and energy for positions that truly fit me. After working with her, I felt more prepared going into interviews than I ever had before, and I even received two job offers in the same day. Working with her transformed job searching from a dreaded task to a process in which I felt confident and clear in my priorities."