Do you believe in magic?

Science-fiction writer, Arthur C. Clarke said “the only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little bit past them into the impossible.”

This is where I love to play with clients and mess with their thinking.

You have a range that feels comfortable.

It’s the space where you live and operate. It encompasses your way of being, your thought patterns, your skills, and even your habits.

You can get so used to this range that it feels fixed.

However, the simple act of stepping outside of this range is precisely what expands its limits.

In an instant, you have new range.

You only get here because you took the bold action of stepping outside of your current range.

The problem that keeps so many people stagnant is that they think that where they need to be is so far away from where their current range is, when actually, it’s so much closer than you can imagine.

Try this exercise. Get out a piece of paper. Write down the following:

  1. Thoughts

    What are the current thoughts you have about yourself, your life, your work?

    What thoughts feel a bit foreign to you, but if you were to believe them and acted on them, would cause you to go to your edge and maybe a bit beyond?

  2. People

    Who are the people in your circle?

    Who is one person in your circle that you could ask for an introduction to someone in their circle that would create a new possibility for you?

  3. Ways of being in the world

    Who are you being in the world today? This is often hard to see for ourselves, so describe what others would say about you. When you leave the room, what’s missing?

    Who do you need to be in order to accomplish what feels impossible? Wake up tomorrow morning and decide to be that person.

  4. Skills

    What skills are in your current range?

    How could you apply your skills in a new context, OR what new skill do you want to add to your toolbelt that would really differentiate you when combined with your current range of skills?

  5. Habits 

    What are your current daily habits?

    What new habit or ritual would have an exponential effect in your life? What habit do you need to let go of?

Where are you feeling the pull to take action?

These shifts are incredibly tiny, but can have a multiplier effect in your life.

The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to venture a little bit past them into the impossible

You’ve got this. Go create some magic.




Get out of your head


You are a whole person at work and at home