Do you have a winning strategy?

Have you ever tried to copy someone’s strategy for success?

If so, chances are you didn’t accomplish the same thing they did.

The reason for that is very simple: you aren’t them.

Pretty obvious, I know, but there’s a reason the self-help industry is a $13 billion market.

People are looking for a winning strategy.

I’m going to make this very simple for you, and all it will cost you is the two minutes you take to read this article and the time you put in to complete the exercise.

Here is the exercise part. Get out a pen and paper.

Step 1 - Identify what are you uniquely suited to do.

  1. What are the things that you do and abilities you have that are unique to you?

  2. What are the beliefs you have that influence your approach at work?

  3. What activities energize you?

  4. When do you experience flow?

  5. What are your learnings from all the experiences you have had so far in life?

Step 2 - Identify what are you uniquely NOT suited to do.

  1. What are you bad at, compared to others?

  2. What drains you of energy?

Step 3 - Identify your contributions.

  1. What indications do you have from others about how the things you identified in STEP 1 are a contribution to others?

  2. Ask people who know you well, “when I leave the room, what’s missing?”

  3. What is 20% of your efforts that have generated 80% of your favorable results?

  4. What about #3 above surprises you?

Step 4 - Who do you know?

  1. Who are people in your network that could help you at this point in your career?

  2. Who are people that you don’t yet know, but if someone were to make an introduction, they could be a strategic person for you to know?

Photo by v2osk on Unsplash

Now, synthesize your responses in Step 1 and Step 3. This is your competitive advantage.

It is what sets you apart from every other person on the planet.

The responses to Step 2 belong on your “avoid at all cost” list.

The people you listed in Step 4 need regular connection from you, and dare to ask for an introduction to someone you don’t know.

Do the things that are your competitive advantage.

Don’t do the things on your “avoid at all cost” list.

Talk to people about what you’re up to in the world. Share your vision for what’s next.

That’s it.

That is your winning strategy, that when you follow it, amazing things happen.

You’re welcome.




The decisions you make


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