The dark side of exponential thinking

I love a good exponential curve. It is thrilling to think in terms of exponential growth.

It brings with it a sense of strategy, of identifying the right levers to pull to skyrocket your results.

And if there’s something I get excited about, it’s a good strategy.

The promise of the exponential curve is that you will get more out than you put in.

It is a 1+1=11 type of formula.

I think this is true for some things. 

  • working in your zone of genius gives you better results than working on activities that are draining

  • collaborating with others can generate exponential results through synergistic efforts

  • the power of compound interest in investing

  • entrepreneurship and business growth as assets accumulate over time and compound

But the dark side of the exponential curve is that we may approach other things in life with this mindset that are detrimental.

Sometimes more isn’t better.

There are times when we are better off when we can embrace “enough.”

There are places where exponential thinking won’t serve you.

Your sense of self-worth.

You are enough as you are.

No amount of personal growth can make you more worthy than you are now.

If you are stuck in this trap, time to start practicing self-compassion.

Your happiness.

The exponential curve model says, “I’ll be happy when….” and the truth is there is no destination or achievement or success that will deliver happiness.

Happiness comes from the inside out. 

Photo by Cyrill on Pexels

If you are a maximizer, then there is truly no end to your striving with the exponential curve.

There are moments when satisficing needs to be the strategy.

Some things do reach a point of “good enough.”

And then you can move on and use your energy for something else.

Where have you experienced exponential results, and where have you experienced the dark side of exponential thinking? 




The status quo feels good


Start with what you have