How you get results

Most people think that skills and qualifications are all that are needed to generate results at work.

But that’s only half of the equation.

The other half is mindset

You can have two people with the same skills, same qualifications, achieve very different results.

It’s because they each show up with a particular mindset, or way of seeing the world, that allows them to generate the results they do.

Photo by Sachin C Nair, on Pexels

There are moments throughout the day where the way you see your world causes you to pursue a course of action.

How does your mindset support you in your work?

  • Are you staring down an impossible problem and hearing all the people who say it can’t be done? And you do it anyway?

  • Maybe you love the thrill of complexity, and are able to make it simple.

  • Are you committed to the long-game, and undeterred by temporary setbacks (hello, Simone Biles!).

  • Maybe your belief in people causes you to inspire and coach them to be their best.

And if you’re feeling stuck, or have a sense that the only thing keeping you from your biggest breakthrough yet is the 6 inches between your ears, you and I should have a conversation.




The key to change


The space in-between