Stop being so selfish
On my website is a simple line: “the world is waiting for you….what are you waiting for?
It comes from a belief I have that every single person has unique gifts that they can use to be a contribute to the world.
The beautiful thing is that these gifts have been with you most of your life, and you can look back to when you were 6 years old and see threads of your gifts showing up even then.
It is your personal throughline.
These gifts can be capabilities, experiences, obstacles you’ve overcome, desires you have, and even the things you are curious about,
There are moments where you might see a need or sense a calling, and then you step into action.
These are divine moments where you bring your gifts and become a contribution to the world.
Photo by Pixabay
And there are also moments where you see a need or sense a calling, and you hold back.
There are countless reasons you don’t step into action.
You could be scared, you could feel inadequate, you may think others are more qualified. You may have a general sense of “I’m not good enough” or “how could I possibly have an impact?”
What’s really going on is that you are being selfish.
You are withholding your gifts from the world.
It would be like a person with a backpack full of water wandering the desert, and people on the verge of dying for thirst walking by, and the person saying “I’m not enough.”
Stop that. It’s selfish.
The world really is waiting for you. What are you waiting for?