Audrey Donnell Coaching & Consulting

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Measuring lag performance indicators

What does your organization use to measure performance? What is the success criteria used for your job? Understanding how your organization defines success can help you demonstrate how you have contributed to the overall success of the organization. That’s called impact. It’s the results you have created within the context of the overall goals. 

If you’re ready to update your resume, consider what results you have created within the context of your organization’s goals. And if you want to see what differentiates you from your colleagues, answer the following 11 questions, and then incorporate that into your resume. No matter your skills or experience, if you focus on your impact and your key differentiators, your resume will be unique and stand out from all the others. Have fun!

Questions to Determine Your Key Differentiators:

1. What was I known for? What was I the go-to person for?

2. How did I contribute to the overall success of the organization?

3. Have I anticipated a change that needed to be made and taken the steps to make it happen?

4. How did I make someone else’s life (probably your manager) better? What did I do to alleviate their burden?

5. How did I improve a process, create efficiencies or save time?

6. How did I save or make money for the organization?

7. How did I add value?

8. What did I do that someone else wouldn’t have?

9. What did I create with my own ideas or by collaborating with others? 

10.  How have I influenced others?

11. What beliefs shape how I show up at work and what impact have I created as a result?

After responding to these questions, what did you learn about yourself and your performance? What insights surprised you?