Audrey Donnell Coaching & Consulting

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Presence is all you have

If you’re like most people in the western world, when you think of time, you think there’s not enough of it.

Rather than being a subject of your time, you have become a target and victim of it.

The trap of this kind of thinking is that with so much attention on productivity and working through all the things you have to do, you lose sight of who you be.

Irish poet and philospher, John O’Donohue, says there are different time zones.

There is surface time, which is rapid and restless.

And there is time below the surface. And there, time becomes slower and things are still.

O’Donohue writes,

“Possibility is the secret heart of time. On its outer surface, time is vulnerable to transience. … In its deeper heart, time is transfiguration.”

If that is true, what time zone do you want to occupy?

When you shift your focus from surface time to deeper time, you necessarily shift your focus from what you need to do to who you be.

You become aware that presence is all you have.

O’Donohue refers to time as “the mother of presence.”

So rather than view your time as being in short supply, you could take the view that time is the mother of presence, and live your life accordingly.

