Put how you best work to work for you
There are a gazillion personality assessments out there, and in varying degrees of reliability and credibility.
Kolbe A is one that I really like, and it is in a category all on its own in that that it measures your conative ability, or the instinctive ways you take action.
One of the Kolbe A categories is called “Quick Start,” and it measures how you handle risk and uncertainty. The spectrum runs from those who stabilize to those who innovate.
Out of a scale from 1-10, I am a 9 on Quick Start. I innovate. I can take a risk without knowing what the outcome will be. I’m always ready with ideas and alternatives. I like to take chances. I’m always experimenting.
As an entrepreneur, this willingness to experiment has served me well.
I started out as a professional coach over 5 years ago with a desire to support folks in career transition. People started referring their friends and colleagues who were looking to make a career change.
And then something happened.
I realized that the conversations I really loved were the ones where I could challenge a client’s thinking and help them see their world in a new way.
I became a mindset coach. I was and still am convinced that the way you see your world creates your world.
And then something else happened.
I realized that the mind and the body work together. Just because you believe something with your mind, if you haven’t allowed your body the space to catch up (i.e. somatic work), then it is just an idea.
In order for real change to occur, the body and the nervous system have to be involved. Complete and holistic transformation.
This is where I am today in my current support of clients.
And because I’m always innovating and experimenting, I don’t know what’s next, but I can’t wait to find out.
Photo by Đình Phong
If you’d like to know how you instinctively take action in the world and how to put it to work for you, let’s have a conversation.