Self-aware or self-critical?

I used to think I was self-aware. I have always had a strong sense of my strengths and weaknesses. If I’m honest though, it was really a focus on my weaknesses.

Of late I have begun to wonder, however, if I am more self-critical than self-aware. I’m the first to point out my flaws and shortcomings. I have a keen sense of my insecurities and the things that hold me back. And when I do have a success, I am quick to discredit it or identify how it could have been better.

Photo by Vince Fleming

A lot of the people I work with share this trait of being self-critical. And I help them build an awareness of who they really are in the world and how they create impact. The gain self-awareness.

One of the qualities of high performers is that there is a drive to perform and succeed, and if we’re honest, that usually comes from a sense of we aren’t enough. We just need to push a little harder. Be a little better. If we were ever satisfied, what else would there be to strive for?

It is relentless.

Being self-aware is different than being self-critical. And most high performers can’t see just how amazing they are.

Self-awareness means having an awareness of who you are and how the way you show up influences others and outcomes.

It’s knowing what you believe and how your unique perspective shapes the way you approach your work.

It’s knowing what energizes you and what drains you of energy so you can strategically design your work.

It’s knowing the intangible qualities you embody that cause you to create the outcomes that likely wouldn’t happen without you.

When you have self-awareness, you can more selectively choose work that is within your strike zone.

You can more accurately represent yourself to your team, your manager, or a hiring manager.

You can move with confidence that you have a unique contribution to make in the world.

How can you be more self-aware and ease up on the self-criticism?




What’s your walk up song?


Beginning, middle, and end