The pre-game

In my conversations with clients, one of the gifts I get to bring is to help them see possibilities that they previously couldn’t see for themselves.

They’re usually contemplating a course of action, preparing for a high stakes conversation that could have a significant impact on their career, or considering their next strategic move in business or in their career.

In every case, I require them to bring in the highest version of themselves. By that, I mean I won’t let them hide, be held back by fear, or accept what convention would prescribe.

In every case, they are required to bring courage, conviction, and a willingness to bet on themselves.

Usually, their heart is racing.

When I see that, I know we’re complete.

They have just the right mix of feeling scared and excited that they’re ready.

This is the pre-game.

When we start out, they think it’s about the action they’re about to take or the conversation they’re about to have.

But when the conversation is over, they realize it’s about so much more than that.

It’s about who they are being and how they show up in the world. They realize they want to be the kind of person who makes a bold proposal, who advocates for themself, who asks for what they want, or who dares to be different.

You may have a big opportunity ahead of you and are wondering how you can see new possibilities for how to approach it.

See if any of the below pitfalls ring true for you:

  1. The tendency to play it safe

    Whenever a course of action feels high stakes, there is a tendency of wanting to play it safe. You can thank your genetic wiring for this. Humans have always had to prioritize safety over taking a risk.

  2. Lack of imagination

    Because of the tendency to play it safe, your brain is so focused on minimizing risk, that you aren’t able to expand your gaze and access your imagination.

  3. Constrained by what others think or say

    You can hear the soundtrack in your head now. The naysayers who want to keep you safe along with them playing it safe. Their voices are crowing out your ability to listen to the voice of possibility calling.

  4. No precedent for anything different / “I didn’t know I could do that”

    This is related to #2, but because most of the world doesn’t engage in possibility thinking, there isn’t a whole lot of precedent for it. You aren’t trained to think this way.

  5. Decades of conditioning

    You have your own unique conditioning, based on the people closest to you. You may excel at people pleasing. Perhaps you were raised to believe “I don’t need help” (The lone wolf). Or maybe you have been taught that others’ comfort is more important than your reality.

  6. Your self-concept needs updating

    You likely don’t see your own genius and what you bring to the world. And it keeps you from taking a bet on yourself.

Who helps you pre-game and see possibilities you couldn’t see for yourself?




Are you solving for the wrong problem?


Cast a vote for who you are becoming