What’s holding you back?

Have you been stuck for a while and unsure how to break free from old patterns?

It can be so familiar to you that you are unable to see it and to name it.. We often are not very good at self-examination.

In the interest of serving, I shine a light on the 10 reasons you aren’t able to make the progress you want. See which ones are true for you;

1. Comfort/safety

You aren’t willing to tolerate the discomfort of courage long enough to push past the fear and move forward.

2. Competition

You are distracted by other’s successes and seeing the world through a zero sum lens. You are more focused on winning than playing your own game.

3. Comparison

You are looking at others and using them as a measuring stick for yourself. This leads to constant unhappiness.

4. Fear/anxiety/worry

You are unable to be present as your mind is obsessed with future scenarios and how things could go wrong. Instead of freedom, you live with a constant sense of dread.

5. Stories about who you are

You have either taken on someone’s story about you or formed your own story that simply isn’t true. It is destructive and keeps you boxed in.

Photo by Julia Volk on Pixels

6. Measurement/Expectation about what “should be”

You live with the persistent thought that you should be a certain way or live up to someone’s expectation for you. You haven’t honed your internal compass to know who you truly are.

7. Scarcity mindset

Similar to competition, you believe that someone else’s win comes at your expense. The energy of scarcity is of contraction rather than expansion.

8. Striving

You are striving for something outside of you, rather than coming from a place of rest and a deep settledness about who you are. Striving is always motivated by fear.

9. Stuck in the past

You keep repeating the same old stories in your mind and haven’t exercised your imagination for what could be. Maybe you are fixated on how bad things were, or maybe you look back with nostalgia and believe things can never be good again.

10. Survival

Also motivated by fear, survival employs strategies developed early in life to protect you. While brilliant when you designed them in childhood, these strategies almost never serve you in adulthood.

Einstein has said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

If you’re ready to break out of old patterns to radically create your future, you and I should have a conversation.




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