Your POV is your most valuable asset

When the marketplace for professionals places an emphasis on skills and qualifications, it’s easy to overlook what might be your most valuable asset: your point of view.

Here’s the thing: as you progress throughout your career, you are applying your skills and gaining real work experience.

You see what works and what doesn’t.

You know which ideas that will get traction.

You experience a range of different personalities and working styles.

You develop a philosophy within your subject matter.

And you gain an understanding of what really matters, allowing you to focus on what’s critical to success and letting go of the fluff.

Effectively, you have a refined vision of what it takes to be successful in your role, and this is actually transferrable to other organizations.

Photo by katja on Pexels

When you hone your ability to discern what success for your role looks like, you can really fly.

And you can do this anywhere you go, in any job.

It’s more about your ability to see (having a POV) than it is a set of technical skills.

I’m not discounting the importance of technical skills. You need them. But without an accompanying point of view, your skills won’t necessarily deliver results.

Contextually, we have to accept that the world of work is changing rapidly. Whether or not you have embraced it, AI is a game changer to how we work, and you need to understand the ramifications for your role.

Begin to think about how your role has changed recently, and what someone (hopefully you) who is successful in their role accomplishes for their organization.

Here are a few questions to consider:

  1. What has changed in the world in the last 12 months, and how has that changed how I do my job?

  2. How do I measure success in my role?

  3. What friction exists in my job right now that, if solved, would unlock new leverage in the role and generate better outcomes?

  4. How has/will AI changed my role? How do I leverage AI now, and how do I expect my role to look in 3 years when AI is more ubiquitous?

  5. What tools, technologies, or methodologies are unlocking outsized gains in my role?

  6. What important thing do others in this role miss that I get?

Begin to write out your POV, and if you’re really courageous, post it on LinkedIn.

This is the number one way to differentiate yourself from everyone out there with the same list of skills as you.

They will never have the POV you do.

You can even be edgy and develop spiky POVs.

Start to own it.

Start talking about it.

Treat it like the most valuable asset that it is.




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