You’re still human

We live in an amazing time where the average life expectancy is at an all-time high, we are more inter-connected than ever, and technology increases our productivity exponentially.

The industrial revolution ushered us into the modern era, and technology makes communication and transactions possible at lightening speed. 

Photo by Joey Kyber

It’s hard to conceive there was a time when people traveled on foot or by horse. 

It used to take days to receive a communication by mail. 

And before that, our entire lives were centered around the local community where we were born.

When you put in perspective the pace at which we move in the modern world, it leaves you breathless. 

And I haven’t even mentioned the demands of corporate life and companies focused on profit maximization, or non-profits working tirelessly to meet their mission.

And, like all things, there are benefits, and there are costs.

To better understand the costs, check-in with yourself for a moment:

  1. How often do you get a full 8 hours of sleep?

  2. How much down time, or white space, do you block out during your week to think, process, dream, and create?

  3. How often do you do an activity that brings you joy?

  4. How often do you move your body?

  5. How many meals a week do you eat while multi-tasking?

  6. How many hours a week do you have uninterrupted focus?

  7. How many minutes a week do you spend talking with a trusted friend?

  8. How many minutes a week do you spend in gratitude? How about in awe of something?

  9. Do you own your phone, or does your phone own you? Ouch, that one hurts.

  10. When is the last time you noticed the beauty of the natural world?

  11. When is the last time you noticed a signal in your body and listened to it?

  12. Are you living in alignment with your values?

What stood out to you from this self-inventory?

Do you feel good about things? Is there something you want to change?

What if instead of focusing on what you do, you focused on who you be?

Are you happy with who you are being in the world? 

Being human is a universal experience we share. And sometimes the pace of life that technology has allowed us causes us to forget our humanity. We end up ignoring the very things that make us human.

Here are a few reasons why you should stop powering through and pushing past your humanity:

  1. You have needs, wants, and desires.

    When you slow down, you can actually tune into what they are. Your body is designed to point you toward what you need and what you desire.

  2. You experience a range of emotions, from delight to loneliness to cautious.

    Acknowledging your emotions is key to navigating life, and ignoring or pushing them down comes at a cost.

  3. You have a body.

    Bodies require rest, nourishment, and care. When you neglect any of these, your body won’t be able to show up for you when you need it.

  4. You are a relational being.

    The Surgeon General of the United States, Dr. Vivek Murthy, says that one of the most powerful sources of healing that we have are relationships with others. And one of the most powerful medicines we have is love. That’s right. A medical doctor is prescribing love. And, it all starts with self-love.

  5. You are uniquely wired - certain things energize you while others drain you.

    When you feel energized, work feels effortless. If you’re doing draining work because you think work has to be hard, it might be time for a new belief.

When you honor the limitations of being human, you expand what becomes possible. It is counter-intuitive.

When you are rested, tuned into your internal compass, and feeling energized, your gaze widens. You see things you didn’t see before. Possibilities come into view that previously weren’t visible to you.

What is your biggest insight? And how will you take one tiny step to make it a reality?




What are your terms?


What’s your walk up song?