You’ve lost that loving feeling
When you were young, you were wired with intrinsic motivation that allowed you to take your first steps, say your first words, learn songs, develop gross and fine motor skills, and absorb everything in your environment. You were taking risks every day as you learned new skills.
You did these things because there was an inherent love to learn and grow.
Over time, society started to replace that intrinsic motivation with extrinsic motivation: sticker charts, approval of others, grades, trophies, salaries, promotions.
Photo by RODNAE Productions
You excel at achieving these rewards. You know how to perform. And it feels good, for a while.
What this can do, however, is cut you off from a deep inner knowing that is intended to guide you throughout your life. You begin chasing rewards and forget how to follow your inner knowing. You stopped trusting yourself. And you forgot how to take risks.
You’ve lost that loving feeling. 🎵
If you’re reading this, you have likely reached a point in your life where you are tired. Tired of performing. Tired of looking outside you for something to make you happy. Tired of living someone else’s life. Tired of sacrificing your own well being to support the bottom line. Tired of playing it safe.
The good news is that you can recover that loving feeling, that inner knowing, and that love of taking risks.
It takes work, but it can be done.
If you’re willing, try a few of the suggestions below and see what happens. Treat it like an experiment.
1. Slow down.
The problem with performance is you likely have neglected some fundamental needs that we all have – sleep, nutrition, exercise, being still.
Try taking a longer lunch break. Prepare something healthy to eat and savor it. Step outside and feel the sun on your face, listen to the birds.
Go for a walk. Start a favorite exercise routine. Move your body on a regular basis.
Go to bed earlier than normal. Allow your body a full night’s rest. Try to make this a regular habit.
Be still. This sounds impossible when you consider how the modern world has accelerated every facet of human life - communication, transportation, productivity, economic transactions. Take it as a dare. I dare you to spend 3 minutes sitting still and doing nothing. Bonus if you close your eyes and breathe deeply.
2. Listen.
There is a lot of information available to you inside your own body. Start listening to it.
Feeling tense in your shoulders? What is that tightness trying to tell you?
Feeling a knot in your gut? What does it want you to know?
Shallow breathing? What if you took a deep breath and held it?
Once you acknowledge the physical sensations in your body, go a bit deeper. What does your intuition need you to know in this moment? What desire within you is calling you to bring it forth?
3. Remember.
Think back to when you were a child. What did you love to do? What activity could you get lost in and spend hours doing yet feel like no time had passed at all?
What is your version of that today? Do you get to do it very often? Can you create more opportunities to do that?
You can cultivate your inner knowing and reconnect with that loving feeling. Imagine if this became the new normal for you. What would be possible?
I’d love to know if this resonates with you, and what tiny step you will take as a result?