
Thriving as an entrepreneur and a person.

“Through our exploration process, I chose entrepreneurship as my path and have more energy, excitement, and fulfillment that I ever had in previous jobs.”

Kathryn Wepfer, Founder & CEO

Mission: to make working motherhood more efficient and elegant

“I started working with Audrey after I quit my longtime job to spend time with my family and identify what I wanted to do with my career that would finally be fulfilling to me.  In our first session together, I identified entrepreneurship as my ultimate goal, but also something that felt impossible.  Audrey supported me through a career exploration process that started by identifying my personal values to use as a guide for future career decisions.  By aligning decisions to the things that matter most to me, I was able to move more easily toward a career path that brings me joy and purpose, and I have continued to use those values to evaluate choices to this day.

By the end of my exploration process, I arrived back at entrepreneurship, feeling like it was no longer such a scary and unattainable path.  Three months after our first session I made the decision to start my own business and I dove into my work with more energy, excitement, and fulfillment than I’d ever had in previous employment.

I’ve continued working with Audrey for almost three years as I’ve built and launched my company, and I cannot imagine getting to this point without her coaching.  She pushes me to lean into my edge and face my fears by helping me reframe my fears and identify the steps I need to take to conquer the challenge at hand.  Audrey also holds me accountable to my own values and goals by pushing me in a very respectful, non-threatening manner. 

Throughout our coaching partnership Audrey has had a flexible approach to how we’ve worked together, and her coaching packages have changed over time to meet my unique needs as I’ve evolved.  Her flexibility has helped me thrive and am proud of my professional growth during our work together.  I cannot recommend Audrey enough!”