Do your thoughts support your identity?
This article is the third in a series on living a created life.
The first week, I wrote about permission to dream.
Last week, I described how to create your future by creating your identity.
This week, we’re talking about the mindsets and beliefs needed to support your created identity.
Photo by Alexandre Peregrino
Creating your identity also requires examining the thoughts that go through your mind.
Most of these thoughts are unconscious. And a lot of them aren’t serving you.
That’s right. You have unconscious thoughts that are sabotaging your efforts to move forward.
They did serve you at one point. They fulfilled an important role in your life: keeping you safe.
Have you ever found yourself thinking:
I’m not enough.
I’m too much.
I don’t belong.
I’m an imposter.
It’s all my fault.
I just need to try harder.
What’s wrong with me?
(after a success) - That success was a fluke, I can’t take credit.
No one really likes me.
When you put these thoughts under a spotlight, it’s hard to imagine that they once kept you safe. But they did. I promise you.
Photo by Jaël Vallée
Whenever an adult caretaker in your life let you down as a child, it was too much for your brain to conceive that they would be flawed, so instead, your brain developed a story about you to explain why they let you down.
Part of taking ownership for being an adult is acknowledging these thoughts and choosing new ones that will serve you.
What got you here won’t get you there.
These thoughts will keep you from your next level of success. They will keep you stuck in negative emotion. They will not serve you where you are headed.
It’s worth s-l-o-w-i-n-g d-o-w-n to really examine the thoughts that go through your mind.
Take them captive.
If you did last week’s exercise to create your identity, how do your thoughts support the person you want to BE? If they don’t serve you, come up with a new thought that does.
Remember who you BE in the world.
What does THAT person think about themselves?
What are the mindsets and beliefs that support them?
Adopt those mindsets and beliefs.
At first, it may feel foreign to you. That’s because it is. The old thoughts have YEARS of brain programming.
It will take TIME.
Keep saying the new beliefs to yourself. Every. Single. Day.
Over time, you will realize that you are beginning to embody them.
And what didn’t feel so natural begins to be part of you.
You are living your new beliefs and they are supporting who you BE in the world.
If you want to have a conversation about mindset and beliefs, reach out. I want to support you in this.
80% of what influences the outcomes we create in the world is attributed to your mindset. If your mindset isn’t supporting you, let’s work on it so it aligns with your created future.
I’m here for you.