Don’t think, just do.

As it is in life, there is a season for everything. 

If you go through life without slowing down to reflect, to create a vision, and to be intentional, you will live a default life. 

I wrote an article called, “We don’t think around here.” 

It is important to take time and take stock so you can create your life.

AND, there are moments in life that require ACTION. 

To quote Maverick in his latest Top Gun movie, “Trust your instincts. Don’t think, just do.”

Sometimes, we overthink things. It has a name: analysis paralysis.

We freeze when we overthink. 

We stay stuck and don’t step into the amazing possibilities ahead of us when we overthink.

There are moments when you need to strap yourself into the pilot seat and trust that all your experience, all your training, all your understanding of the world will serve you, and you can go for it.

Maverick also says of being a fighter pilot, “It’s not what I am, it’s who I am.” 

Who are you? Who you are in your career has been with you your whole life

Trust your instincts.

Where are you spinning in your thoughts and you KNOW you just need to DO.

Go take action.

I believe in you.




Dear aspiring executive


Do your thoughts support your identity?