Moving forward in uncertainty
Most people think they need confidence in order to move forward in a situation, but that simply isn’t true.
Confidence is a result, not a requirement.
You are confident when you look back over your life and acknowledge the impact you have made and the outcomes you created.
Confidence comes after your accomplishments, not before.
A lot of people want clarity before they move forward. They think that clarity means they can see the path ahead.
For most of us, clarity isn’t necessary to move forward either.
We only ever need to put one foot in front of the other. The next step will reveal itself, and you don’t need to know the 20 steps beyond that.
Some people want certainty before they move forward.
Certainty is a myth.
Most of life is navigating uncertainty. We simple don’t know and can’t predict what will happen.
A lot of us want to know the destination. After all, if you don’t know where you’re going, all roads will get you there, right?
Except, what if it’s not about the destination?
I’m more interested goals as a place to come from rather than a place to get to.
Photo by zhang kaiyv
I’m interested in seeing people stand in possibility and live a created life.
When you play this way, you can set impossible goals.
It becomes more about who you are being each day as you live into your goal and takes all the pressure off the outcome.
The amazing thing is, when you set impossible goals and come from that place, you can accomplish far more than if you had set a measurable goal.
Living a created life is an expansive way to live.
It embraces playing the infinite game rather than the finite game.
It chooses possibility, courage, and curiosity over limitations, fear, and judgement.
How are you playing the game of life? Are you creating it?