Audrey Donnell Coaching & Consulting

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Powerful presence

There are only two things that keep you from being present: your past and your future.

The irony of this statement is that until you face your past and create a vision your future, it is actually extremely difficult to be present.

There is great value in revisiting your past, and examining the things that you once thought were normal, and realizing that actually, some of it was not normal.

We can begin to see that some of the strategies we employed were survival strategies. We needed them.

And, then there comes a time where those strategies no longer serve us. In fact, they hold us back from what’s next.

Until we reckon with and heal from our past, it tends to control us. Carl Jung famously said, “until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

We can’t actually be present in the moment because these survival strategies are running the show in the background.

Part of adulting is reckoning with our stories from our past so they don’t run us, and we can begin to run our story.

Once you have made peace with your past, a new freedom emerges to create your future.

Worrying about the future will keep you from being present.

Creating your future is the most powerful way to be present, because you bring your intentions for what you are creating to the present moment.

When you take the time to envision the person you want to be, your future self, you start the journey of becoming right now.

When you’re being present, you bring your future self to the present moment.

Who you are in the present is who you are becoming in the future. It starts now.

What are you waiting for?

When you are fully present, you are irresistible.

When you are fully present, you are living your values.

When you are fully present, you are standing in your power.

When you are fully present, you engage others in a way that they feel seen.

When you are fully present, you honor yourself and others around you.

When you are fully present, you are at peace with who you are.

When you are fully present, you see possibility.

What happens for you when you are present? And how can you occupy that space more fully?

