Audrey Donnell Coaching & Consulting

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The key to change

Have you ever tried to start a new workout routine or make an improvement in your life and struggled to make the change?

It’s usually not having a vision that is the problem.

You can likely envision what your life will be like when you are more fit or more organized or more rested.

You know it will be good.

And the reason it feels out of reach is because the person who is those things feels too far away from you.

The key to transformation?

Start small.

If it’s a new workout routine, don’t start with a goal to spend 5 hours a week at the gym.

Start with a goal to put your workout clothes on.

That’s it.

Put on your workout clothes 5 times a week and do nothing else.

You will surprise yourself.

With a goal so easy, the obvious thing that will happen is you will move in some way.

But with zero stakes on the line, because you’ve already met your goal for the week.

There’s something powerful about introducing a small routine like putting on your workout clothes.

It is an on-ramp.

It sends you in the direction you want to go.

And then, the laws of physics kick in.

An object in motion remains in motion.

Photo by William Warby on Pexels

So what is one change you’re struggling to make?

Break it down into the tiniest first step you can take.

And then watch what happens next.

