What if you don’t need more information?

It’s easy to think that if we can just collect the right information and data, we can make an informed decision.

We live in a time of bountiful information.

You can go down the google rabbit hole for hours and become a pseudo-expert on anything.

But what if you don’t need more information for your next decision?

The false promise of living in an information era is that outside information is sufficient to make a decision.

The Power of Intuition

This false promise isn’t new with the advent of technology.

We’re actually centuries deep into a culture that prizes intellect and reason.

And our culture has lost its value on the wisdom resident within each of us.

This inner wisdom is meant to guide you through your most important decisions.

Have you crowded out your inner wisdom with outside information?

How can you begin to cultivate listening to the wisdom within? To your inner knowing?

It is like asubterranean river, always there, waiting for you to tap into it.

What’s a decision you’re facing, and how will you listen to your inner knowing?




What do you need to recover?


How do you handle conflict?