Check out my latest thinking. Allow yourself to be coached as you read.
What opportunities are you shaping?
Are you being intentional about recognizing the opportunities around you and using your influence to shape them into positive outcomes?
Are you a high performer working out of your weakness?
High performers know how to drive results, but it may not be from a place of strength.
What gets in the way of possibility thinking?
Ever find yourself stuck, unmotivated, or down-right negative? Find out why and how to move out of that space and into possibility thinking.
What is possibility thinking?
Why possibility thinking is not the same as optimism and why you need to start thinking in terms of possibility.
A created life
You can live a created life or a default life. When is the last time you took a close look at what’s working and what’s not working in your life?
Measuring lag performance indicators
Next time you need to update your resume, think about what matters to your organization and how you impacted that.
What’s your edge?
Trying things that feel scary is like weightlifting. It builds your muscle. How are you building muscles to try new things?
Who tells your story?
Do you have a vision for the impact you want to have in the world? Start with the end and work your way backwards.
What mindset do you bring to work?
How could trying on a new pair of lenses help you see your world differently?