Audrey Donnell Coaching & Consulting

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How is your form?

I’m a runner. Running is a great analogy for performance, and there are a few things that make me a better runner. I can also hear my junior high school track coach’s voice in my head. See how this insights might speak to your professional life as well:

1. Power comes from your core.

Having a strong core and keeping my shoulders back makes a drastic difference on how powerful I feel when I run. It’s an efficiency thing. I can get out there and move my legs, but if my power doesn’t come from my core, my run is going to be weak.

At work, are you working out of your strengths? When you use your strengths, you feel energized, and you work in flow. Find the 20% of your efforts that give you 80% of your results and spend more energy there.

2. Don’t create resistance.

If your arms cross your body when you run, you are creating resistance. You want every part of you contributing to forward momentum, and that means moving your arms foward as you run.

What thoughts, beliefs, and mindsets are creating resistance for you at work? Shift your mindset to support your efforts and forward momentum.

3. Adjust your stride for the distance you are running (be strategic).

If you are running a longer distance, shorten your stride and take more steps to increase speed. For shorter distances, you want to maximize the length of your stride to cover the most ground with each step. Know your distance and adjust your stride accordingly.

What strategies do you need to use for the project at hand to be successful? Choose them well.

Photo by sporlab

How you work contributes to the impact you make.

Focus on your form and increase your impact.

